Great expectations, getting the first week right

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You’ve interviewed, referenced and offered and looking forward to having that superstar developer join your team. It’s at this point that you sit back, admire your mad recruitment skillz and put a note in your calendar for a month’s time. That’s how it works right?
Let’s look at it from the developer’s perspective. They have met with you a few times, feel that your company is where they want to spend the next couple of years and have said sayonara to their boss. The following weeks are spent handing over work and looking forward to getting started in their new job. Expectations are at an all time high and the developer is feeling particularly enthusiastic and motivated by what you do.
It’s important to ensure that the positive experience continues by getting the first week right.
BEFORE THEY START, make sure your new hire feels welcome. Give them a call a week before to say that you’re excited to have them on board and let them know what their first day is going to look like. They should know what time to arrive on day one and who will be looking after them. Don’t leave it until 4pm on the Friday before they are due to start.
We’re constantly surprised by the amount of employers that don’t have a system ready. Get that machine setup, request those logins and get the basics right.
ON DAY ONE, physically be there to meet and greet and informally introduce them to the rest of the team. It’s a good idea to arrange for them to spend time with other colleagues to acclimatise and to give you some time to catch up on your work. Grab a coffee with them that afternoon to set some short-term goals. Our best clients have candidates shipping code to production in the first week. First day even.
AFTER A WEEK IN THE JOB, arrange a Friday lunch, informal drinks, or something similar with the other team members. Take some time out to let them know how you feel the first week has gone and also ask for their feedback.
Getting the first week right, helps set the tone for the first year. A bit of preparation and frequent catchups makes a huge difference in helping your developer get off to a positive and productive start.